Room 6 have decided these are the things we need to do to use our Blog safely and successfully:
1. Use a nickname, your initials, or the first letter of your name.
2. No negative or cheeky comments.
3. No inappropriate words.
4. Use the games on the blog for learning.
5. Say nice things about people, treat others how you would like to be treated.
6. Don't hurt other people's feelings or embarrass them.
7. Encourage other people in a positive way.
8. Think before you act on the blog.
9. Ask an adult if you are not sure.
10. Stay off the internet unless you have permission.
11. Stay in the right part of the blog during each subject, stick to the task.
12. Only go to places on the internet that are approved by the teacher.
13. No pranks or teasing.
14. Don't give out personal information.
Below is a link to Hector's World, a great website to learn about cyber safety.
Hector's World
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