All About Us

Here is Ashburton on the map.  It is 1 hour drive to Christchurch and about half an hour to Methven.  About 19 500 people live in the town of Ashburton with lots of people living in little towns and the country close to us.

We have got ASACE rules at our school.  A stands for Aroha, S stands for Self-managing, ACE stands for Always thinking, Communication and Effort.  If we do Aroha that means we are caring and being nice.  If we do self-managing that means we put everything that is ours away.  Always thinking is thinking about new ideas and always thinking about the right thing before you act.  Communication means that we always communicate with other people and say nice words.  The last, but not least, Effort.  Always try your best.  It doesn't matter if you win it is just about having fun.  By Iela and Maddy.