Challenge Homework

Middle Area Homework Challenge
Term 3 2017
You are still expected to complete the homework sheet involving maths, spelling and reading, each week. This is to be returned on a Thursday and sent home again on Friday.  
  • You must complete a minimum of 4 challenges by the end of the term to receive the homework treat.
  • You can choose which challenges you want to complete.
  • You can do more than 4 challenges if you want to (your teacher will love this).
  • For each additional challenge you complete you will receive 50 house points.
  • Remember quality not quantity, so take your time and strive for success!
  • It is your responsibility to get your parent and teacher to check off your challenge.

What does it mean to be an AS ACE? Find an interesting and unique way to present this to your class.

Design and make a paper dart that turns a corner.

Draw or take a photo of 4-5 arrays around your house or around the town, eg. egg carton, chest of drawers………  
This egg carton has 2 rows of 3, or 3 rows of two.

Design your ideal school or area of the school, eg. playground, classroom.  You might include things that haven’t yet been invented.

What are the General Elections?  Make a poster with information about what, who, why, how, when.

Find the total age of people in your family.  What will the total age be in 2020.

Write a step by step explanation of how to make your lunch (healthy!).

Your choice.

Make a Venn Diagram to show what life is like for you compared with your Grandparent’s childhood. You might include information about games they played, how they got to school, what they did in the evening, what school was like, food that they ate, transport………..

Write a description of your pet or a family member.  Do some art to go with this.

Find an interesting way to create Art (you might search Pinterest or have a look at Art books in the Public Library). Make a piece of Art about Winter.

Do a good turn or random act of kindness for someone without being asked.  Write about it, explaining how it made you feel.

If you need anything printed off you can use the computers at school, before and after school and at lunch times. You can email your teacher and they will print it off for you. The public library is a great resource. Please do not feel the need to purchase paper for your child’s homework; we have plenty at school so just ask your teacher. This is not compulsory however we do encourage all children to have a go.  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. Have fun!  (The children worked together with their teachers to add homework activities that they would enjoy doing this term.)

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